
May 18th – 5.8 Miles


I’m still spending a lot of time downtown. Today I had a few hours break in the afternoon for a walk.

I’ve been pretty obsessed with Vespas lately. I’m trying to figure out how to make owning one a reality. So I visited a dealer t0 see them up close and personal, as well as ask some important questions. These scooters are so beautiful.

The walk there and back was really nice, although I do find it frustrating to have to deal with traffic lights when I’m on a walk. I saw some cute neighborhoods, and lots of restaurant options. On my way back to the theater I stopped at a pizza place for dinner and a cute shop called ‘Chocolate’ for a treat.

So ya, it was a good day.

I’m getting in to Harry Potter 5 now, and bracing myself for the feelings of hatred that Dolores Umbridge always makes me feel. She is worse than Voldemort for me. Here’s a thought on that:


Ugh, she’s the worst. It makes book 5 hard for me.

I continue to rack up the miles! This goal of walking to Mordor is currently my #1 reason for postponing purchasing a Vespa. Because who would want to walk anywhere when they own a Vespa?!

I’ve been doing some research on my trip to New Zealand, so that I can get an idea of how much I should try to save. OMG I’m excited to go to Middle Earth!! What an amazing place that is, and I’ve got some big plans to make that one of the best trips of my life.

Listening To: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


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