Daily Celebration


I don’t always work from home, but I am lucky enough to have a few gigs that allow me to. Because of this, my desk is one of the most important things in my room. The whole plan for my room revolved around where the desk would go and how functional it would be. There are


I’m not a coffee drinker. So I googled “Caffeine Free Frappe.” Obviously there was a result, because the Internet is just the greatest thing. So this is what I made: Healthy Double Chocolatey Chip Frappe I sort of followed this recipe. I mean, I wasn’t super concerned with it being healthy. So I used my normal milk,


I made a pie! This was so easy, it makes me wonder why I haven’t been making pies my whole life. The recipe I used was on both AllRecipes.com and Food.com. Apparently it is the recipe all of our grandma’s used when they were making Apple Betty in the 70s. Side note – I had


I’ll admit it. I have spent today recovering from a busy and stressful week. And I spent 75% of it sleeping. When I finally woke up and stumbled to the kitchen and saw just a pile of dishes….nope. So I washed every dish in the apartment, and had some tacos delivered. Everybody wins. This taco