

I made Indian Pudding today. I just feel so cool that I can say that. The recipe suggested by National Day Calendar is the one I used because it was a crock pot recipe. Indian Pudding takes a really long time to make, so it is the perfect dish to cook in a slow cooker.


I did not make Seafood Bisque. Today was difficult because this was the only option of what to celebrate, and it is a Sunday. I try not to go out/spend money on Sundays so I knew I’d be doing this one at home instead of a restaurant. Also, seafood is expensive and I’m on a


I didn’t know what this was, and the name makes it seem like a weird meat or something. I was ever so pleased to find that Welsh Rarebit is just cheese on bread. So, for today, I made Welsh Rarebit. I used a recipe that I found online (HERE). I didn’t have all of the