

Our country is a mess. We all seem to be at each other’s throats, and nobody is having very much fun. Last night it all went down and this morning I woke up to a fear and uncertainty about my rights and my future that I’d never quite felt before. That’s a scary thing, and


I finally had an excuse to use that filter where it only shows one color. Ha. I thought about wearing pink today, but it turns out I don’t own any. This is unintentional. That just isn’t my color of choice I guess. I did spend the evening at Shakespeare in the Park. Their logo this


This is the kind of thing that happens when you go out in large groups in NYC. The bill comes and it is mayhem of cash and Venmo and someone paying way more than everyone else. My “splurge” started this afternoon with ordering takeout, then ended tonight when I went out for 3 whole hours of


What’s better than a quick siesta in the middle of the day?! Not much, that’s for sure. Today when I lay down to “rest my eyes,” this little one decided it was the perfect time to sit on my stomach and stare at me. To be fair, my room was getting a little cold due


I took this photo of the park just after 7pm in excitement that the sun was just setting. I’m from Utah, and I always loved the time of day when the valley is in shadow but the sun is still hitting the mountains. The same thing happens in New York, it’s just with the buildings instead. Pretty.